⑴ 凌洪飛的代表性文章、論著
1. Ling HF, Feng HZ, Pan JY, Jiang SY, Chen YQ, Chen X, 2007. Carbon isotope variation through the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo and Dengying Formations, South China: Implications for chemostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (in press).
2. Hou ML, Jiang YH, Jiang SY, Ling HF, Zhao KD, 2007. Contrasting origins of late Mesozoic adakitic granitoids from the northwester Jiaodong Peninsula, east China: implications for crustal thickening to delamination. Geol. Mag. 144 (4): 619-631.
3. Jiang YH, Jiang SY, Ling HF, Dai BZ, 2006. Low-degree melting of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle for the origin of Cenozoic Yulong monzogranite-porphyry, east Tibet: Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic constraints. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 241 (3-4): 617-633
4. Jiang SY, Chen YQ, Ling HF, Yang JH, Feng HZ, Ni P., 2006, Trace- and rare-earth element geochemistry and Pb-Pb dating of black shales and intercalated Ni-Mo-PGE-Au sulfide ores in Lower Cambrian strata, Yangtze Platform, South China, Mineralium Deposita, 41(5): 453-467.
5. Jiang YH, Jiang SY, Zhao KD, Ling HF. 2006. Petrogenesis of Late Jurassic Qianlishan granites and mafic dykes, Southeast China: implications for a back-arc extension setting GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 143 (4): 457-474
6. Ling HF, Feng HZ, Pan JY, et al. Carbon isotope variations through neoproterozoic Doushantuo and Dengying formations, South China: Implications for paleoenvironmental change GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 70 (18): A360-A360 Suppl. S AUG-SEP 2006
7. Hong-Fei Ling, Shao-Yong Jiang, Martin Frank, Huai-Yang Zhou, Feng Zhou Zun-Li Lu, Xiao-Ming Chen, Yao-Hui Jiang, Cheng-Dong Ge, 2005. Differing controls over the Cenozoic Pb and Nd isotope evolution of deepwater in the central North Pacific Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 232 (2005) 345– 361
8. Ling H.-F., Gao J.-F., Zhao K.-D., Jiang S.-Y., Ma D.-S., 2005, Comment on 『『Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Widespread Anoxia in Mid-Proterozoic Oceans』』. Science 309: 1017c
9. Y.-H. Jiang, H.-F. Ling, S.-Y. Jiang et al., 2005. Petrogenesis of a Late Jurassic Peraluminous Volcanic Complex and its High-Mg, Potassic, Quenched Enclaves at Xiangshan, Southeast China. J Petrology 46, 1121-1154
10. H.-F. Ling, K.W. Burton, R.K. O'Nions, B.S. Kamber, F. Von Blanckenburg, A.J. Gibb, J.R. Hein, 1997, Evolution of Nd and Pb isotopes in Pacific seawater from ferromanganese crust , Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 146, 1-12
11. R.K. O'Nions, M. Frank, F. von Blanckenburg, H.-F. Ling, 1998, Secular variation of Nd and Pb isotopes in ferromanganese crusts from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 155, 15-28
12. K.W. Burton, H.-F. Ling, R.K. O'Nions, 1997, Closure of the Central American Isthmus and its impact on North Atlantic Deep Water circulation, Nature, 386, 382-385
13. Ling Hongfei Shen Weizhou, Wang Rucheng, Xu Shijin, 2001, Geochemical characteristics and genesis of Neoproterozoic granitoids in the Northwestern Margin of the Yangtze Block. Phys. Chem. Earth (A) 26 (9-10):805-819
14. Yao-Hui Jiang, Shao-Yong Jiang, Hong-Fei Ling, Xun-Ruo Zhou, Xing-Jian Rui, Wan-Zhi Yang, 2002, Petrology and geochemistry of shoshonitic plutons from the western Kunlun orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China: implications for graitoid geneses. Lithos 63: 165-187.
15. Liu Changshi, Ling Hongfei, Xiong Xiaolin, Shen Weizhou, Wang Dezi, Huang Xiaolong, Wang Rucheng, 1999, An F-rich, Sn-bearing volcanic-intrusive complex in Yanbei, South China, Economic Geology, 94, 325-342
16. Shuhai Xiao, Huiming Bao, Haifeng Wang, Alan J. Kaufmand, Chuanming Zhou, Guoxiang Li, Xunlai Yuan, Hongfei Ling, 2004. The Neoproterozoic Quruqtagh Group in eastern Chinese Tianshan: evidence for a post-Marinoan glaciation. Precambrian Research 130, 1–26
17. LING Hongfei, JIANG Shaoyong, FENG Hongzhen, CHEN Yongquan, CHEN Jianhua, YANG Jinghong, 2004, Oxygen isotope geochemistry of phosphorite and dolomite and palaeo-ocaen temperature estimatation: A case study from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, Guizhou province, South China. Progress in Natural Science 14(1) 77-84.
18. Lu Z.-L.,Ling H.-F., Zhou F., Jiang S.-Y., Chen X.-M., Zhou H.-Y., 2005. Variation of the Fe/Mn ratio of ferromanganese crusts from the Central North Pacific: implication for paleoclimate changes. Progress in Natural Science 15(6),530-537
19. FENG Hongzhen, LING Hongfei, JIANG Shaoyong, YANG Jinghong, 2004, 13Ccarb and Ceanom excursions in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval in Guizhou, South China. Progress in Natural Science 14(2) 188-192.
20. Yao-Hui Jiang, Hong-Fei Ling, Shao-Yong Jiang, Xun-Ruo Zhou, Xing-Jian Rui, Wan-Zhi Yang, 2002, Enrichment of mantle-derived fluids in the formation process of graitoids: Evidence from the Himalayan granitoids around Kunjirap in the western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica 76: 343-350.
21. Sun Jinggui, Hu Shouxi, Ling Hongfei, Ye Ying, 2000, Element geochemistry and petrogenesis of high potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields in northwest Jiandong, Shandong, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 19(4): 325-340
22. Shen Weizhou, Ling Hongfei, Li Wuxian, Wang Dezi, 2000, Crust evolution in southeast China: evidence from Nd model ages of granitoids, Science in China (Series D) 43(1), 36-49
23. Shen Weizhou, Ling Hongfei, Li Wuxian, Wang Dezi, 2000, The thermal history of the miarolitic granite at Xincun, Fujian province, China, Chiese Science Bulletin 45 (21), 1991-1995
24. Shen Weizhou, Ling Hongfei, Li Wuxian, Wang Dezi, Huang Xuan, Pan Jun, 1999, The Nd-Sr isotope study of Mesozoic granitoids in Jiangxi province, Chinese Science Bulletin , 44, 1427-1431
25. H.-F. LING, H.-Z. FENG, S.-Y. JIANG, P. NI AND J.-H. YANG. 2004. REE in Neoproterozoic phosphorite and dolomite from South China: Implications for paleoenvironmental change. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A337.
26. SHAO-YONG JIANG, HONG-FEI LING, JING-HONG YANG AND YONG-QUAN CHEN. 2004. Pt/Pt* anomaly and PGE elemental pairs as new tools to trace the origin of sulfide mineralization: Taking the Cambrian Ni-Mo sulfide bed as an example. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A268.
27. KUI-DONG ZHAO, SHAO-YONG JIANG, PEI NI AND HONG-FEI LING. 2004. S-He isotope evidence for the origin of the giant Dachang Snpolymetallic ore deposit in South China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A304.
28. P. NI, A.H. RANKIN, H.F. LING, S.Y. JIANG AND Y.H. JIANG. 2004. Carbonatitic magmatic fluid kept in quartzite associated with carbonatite dyke in Bayan obo, China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A301.
29. XU ZHAOWEN, LU XIANCAI, LING HONGFEI, HUANG SHUNSHENG, HUA MING AND GU LIANXING.2004. Discussion on geochemical characteristics and genesis of magma in Shizishan Orefield, Tongling area, Anhui province, eastern China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A657.
30. JING-HONG YANG, SHAO-YONG JIANG, TAO YANG, ZI-CHEN XUE, HONG-FEI LING, DAO-HUA CHEN, NENGYOU WU AND JIAN LIU, 2004. Geochemistry of pore waters as indicators for the potential gas hydrate occurrence in the South China Sea. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68 (Supplement) A251.
31. H.-F. Ling, S.-Y. Jiang, P. Ni, H.-Y. Zhou, Z.-L. Lu, F. Zhou, X.-M. Chen, 2003, Pb and Nd isotope evolution of the Central Pacific Ocean over the Cenozoic: implication for contrasting source dominance. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67 (18S1) , A254
32. Zun-Li Lu, Hong-Fei Ling, Shao-Yong Jiang, Feng Zhou, 2003, Implications of Fe-Mn crusts for paleoclimate changes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67 (18S1) , A262
33. J.-P. Zhai, H.-F. Ling, K. Hu, 1998, Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water-rock interaction in Dalongshan uranium deposit, Anhui province, China., Water-Rock Interaction, ed. G.B. Arehart and J.R. Hulston., A.A Blackma, Rotterdam
34. H.-F. Ling, R.K. O'Nions, K.W. Burton, B. Kamber, N.S. Belshaw, A. Gibb, 1996, Nd and Pb isotope history of central Pacific seawater, Journal of Conference, 1, 361
35. H.-F. Ling, K.W. Burton, R.K. O'Nions, J.R. Hein, 1995, Evolution of Nd and Pb isotopes in Pacific seawater from ferromanganese crust., TERRA Abstracts, supplement No. 1 to Terra nova, 7, 25
36. Zhang Bang-Tong, Ling Hong-Fei, Zhang Zuhuan, Liu Jishun, Ni Qisheng, Shen Weizhou, 1993, Geochemical evolution of the Proterozoic continental crust in north-western Jiangxi and western Zhejiang, China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 12, 308-316
37. Shen Weizhou, Ling Hongfei, Zhang Bangtong, 1993, Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of the Xiqiu spilite-keraophyre in Zhejiang province, China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 12, 27-34
38. Ling Hong-Fei, Zhang Bangtong, Shen Weizhou, Liu Jishun, Yang Jiedong, Tao Xiancong, 1992, Resetting of Sm-Nd isotopic system among minerals: discovery from dating of Chencai Group, Chinese Science Bulletin, 37, 764-767
39. Ling Hong-Fei, Zhang Bangtong, Shen Weizhou, Liu Jishun, Yang Jiedong, Tao Xiancong, 1992, Nd isotopic Composition and material sources of pre- and post- Sinian sedimentary rocks of Xiushui area, Jiangxi province, China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 11, 80-87
40. Shen Wei-Zhou, Zhang Bang-Tong and Ling Hong-Fei, La Mingyuan, 1992, Nd, Sr and O isotopic study on spilite-keratophyre in Xiqiu, Zhejiang province, China, Acta Geologica Sinica, 5, 165-175
41. 章邦桐,吳俊奇,凌洪飛,陳培榮,2007,U-Th-K放射性成因熱對花崗岩冷卻-結晶過程影響的計算及地質意義,中國科學(D輯:地球科學)37(2):155-159
42. 凌洪飛,沈渭洲,孫濤,蔣少涌,姜耀輝,倪培,高劍峰,黃國龍,葉海敏,譚正中. 2006. 廣東省22個燕山期花崗岩的源區特徵及成因:元素及Nd-Sr同位素研究. 岩石學報22(11): 2687-2703
43. 陸建軍,吳烈勤,凌洪飛,沈渭洲,高劍峰,黃國龍,鄧平,譚正中,2006. 粵北下庄鈾礦田黃陂-張光營輝綠岩脈的成因:元素地球化學和Nd-Sr-Pb-O同位素證據. 岩石學報22(2) 397-406
44. 邱檢生, 蔣少涌, 胡建, 凌洪飛, 同位素年代學研究對江西會昌密坑山錫礦田成礦作用的啟示. 岩石學報 22(2006)2444--50
45. 胡建, 邱檢生, 王汝成, 蔣少涌, 凌洪飛, 王孝磊, 廣東龍窩和白石岡岩體鋯石: 年代學、黑雲母礦物化學及其成岩指示意義. 岩石學報 22(2006)2464-74
46. 蔣少涌, 趙葵東, 姜耀輝, 凌洪飛, 倪培, 華南與花崗岩有關的一種新類型的錫成礦作用:礦物化學、元素和同位素地球化學證據. 岩石學報 22(2006)2509-16
47. 侯明蘭, 蔣少涌, 姜耀輝, 凌洪飛膠東蓬萊金成礦區的同位素地球化學和5;%7$ 同位素年代學研究. 岩石學報 22(2006)2525-33
48. 姜耀輝, 蔣少涌, 戴寶章, 凌洪飛, 玉龍斑岩銅礦含礦與非含礦斑岩元素和同位素地球化學對比研究. 岩石學報 22(2006)2561-66
49. 馬芳, 蔣少涌, 姜耀輝, 倪培, 凌洪飛, 寧蕪盆地凹山和東山鐵礦床流體包裹體和氫氧同位素研究. 岩石學報 22(2006)2581-89
50. 蔣少涌, 楊濤, 李亮, 趙葵東, 凌洪飛, 大西洋洋中脊熱液區硫化物鉛和硫同位素研究. 岩石學報 22(2006)2597-2602
51. 姜耀輝, 蔣少涌, 凌洪飛, 戴寶章. 2006. 陸-陸碰撞造山環境下含銅斑岩岩石成因——以藏東玉龍斑岩銅礦帶為例. 岩石學報22(3),697-706
52. 凌洪飛, 沈渭洲, 鄧平, 蔣少涌, 高劍峰, 葉海敏, 濮巍, 譚正中. 2004. 粵北筍洞花崗岩的形成時代、地球化學特徵與成因. 岩石學報20,413-424.
53. 范洪海,凌洪飛等,2001,相山火山-侵入雜岩Nd-Sr-Pb同位素地球化學特徵. 岩石學報17(3): 395-402
54. 孫景貴,胡受奚,凌洪飛,2000, 膠東金礦區高鉀-鉀質脈岩地球化學與俯沖-殼幔作用研究, 岩石學報 16(3), 401-412
55. 凌洪飛,沈渭洲,黃小龍, 1999, 福建省花崗岩類Nd-Sr同位素特徵及意義, 岩石學報, 15(2), 255-262
56. 凌洪飛,徐士進,沈渭洲,王汝成,林雨萍, 1998, 格宗、東谷岩體Nd, Sr, Pb, O同位素特徵及其與揚子板塊邊緣其它花崗岩對比, 岩石學報, 14, No.3, 269-277
57. 章邦桐,陳培榮,凌洪飛,孔興功,2004. 贛南中侏羅世流紋岩地球化學及成因研究:上地殼成因的微量元素和Pb-Nd-Sr同位素同位素地球化學制約. 岩石學報20,511-520.
58. 周楓,凌洪飛,陸尊禮,蔣少涌,2005,中太平洋鐵錳結殼鉛同位素研究,海洋地質與第四紀地質25(1):55-62
59. 凌洪飛,胡受奚,孫景貴,倪培,沈昆,2002,膠東金青頂和大尹格庄金礦床花崗岩圍岩的蝕變地球化學研究,礦床地質21(2):187-199
60. 張志遠,凌洪飛等,2002,太平洋鐵錳結殼中Sr含量變化:一個可能反映古氣候變化的指標. 自然科學進展12(4):387-391
61. 凌洪飛,蔣少涌,倪培,張志遠,周還陽,2001,新生代古海洋Nd同位素演化及其古環境意義. 地質論評 47(3):287-293
62. 沈渭洲,凌洪飛等, 2000, 福建新村晶洞花崗岩的熱演化史, 科學通報, 45(14), 1538-1541
63. 沈渭洲,凌洪飛,李武顯,王德滋,黃萱,潘均, 1998,江西省中生代花崗岩類的Nd-Sr同位素研究, 科學通報, 43,2653-2658
64. 凌洪飛,沈渭洲,章邦桐, 1996, 浙閩前寒武紀基底地殼的形成和增長時代, 地質論評, 42, 232-238
65. 凌洪飛,沈渭洲,章邦桐,劉繼順,楊傑東,陶仙聰, 1992,江西修水地區震旦紀前後沉積岩Nd同位素組成和物質來源, 岩石學報, 8, 190-194
66. 凌洪飛,章邦桐,沈渭洲,劉繼順,楊傑東,陶仙聰, 1991, 礦物間Sm-Nd同位素體系在變質作用中的重置—陳蔡群年中的發現, 科學通報, No. 23, 1807-1809