㈠ 建築工程專業英語求翻譯!!!
The threefold superior performance of the microsilica-blended cement
concretes, in terms of corrosion initiation time, is ascribable to the favorable
physical changes in the microstructure of the microsilica-blended cement
paste. In chloride corrosion situations in which chloride mobility from external
sources to the steel level is a factor, these favorable physical changes
more than offset the increased corrosion risk posed by the elevated C1-/
因腐蝕所造成的風險增加升高的C1 - /
OH- ratio of the pore solution, and dominate the corrosion protection
The corrosion-protection behavior of microsilica-blended cement concrete
in the corrosion-propagation phase, showing no significant rection
in the corrosion rates, is governed by an interplay of two opposing characteristics
of the cementitious matrix. Whereas the aggressivity of the pore
solution promotes corrosion action, the refined pore structure retards the
corrosion process.
Microsilica-blended cement concrete will provide significantly more effective
protection to steel in chloride corrosion situations in which secondary
chlorides permeate into concrete from external sources, compared to corrosion
situations where primary chlorides are already present in the original
㈡ 各種各樣的建築工程師英文都怎麼說的謝謝了
生產/營運/工程 Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering
工廠經理/廠長 Plant/Factory Manager
總工程師/副總工程師 Chief Engineer
項目經理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor
項目工程師 Project Engineer
營運經理 Operations Manager
營運主管 Operations Supervisor
生產經理/車間主任 Proction Manager/Workshop Supervisor
生產計劃協調員 Proction Planning Executive/Officer
生產主管/督導/領班 Proction Supervisor/Team Leader
技術/工藝設計經理/主管 Technical/Instrial Design Mgr./Spvr.
技術/工藝設計工程師 Technical/Instrial Design Engineer
實驗室負責人/工程師 Lab Manager/Engineer
工程/設備經理 Engineering/Facility Manager
工程/設備主管 Engineering/Facility Supervisor
工程/設備工程師 Engineering/Facility Engineer
電氣/電子工程師 Electrical/Electronics Engineer
機械工程師 Mechanical Engineer
機電工程師 Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
維修工程師 Maintenance Engineer
質量經理 QA Manager
質量主管 QA Supervisor
質量工程師 QA Engineer
質量檢驗員/測試員 QA Inspector
認證工程師 Certification Engineer
安全/健康/環境經理/主管 Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor
安全/健康/環境工程師 Safety/Health/Environment Engineer
工程繪圖員 Project Drafting Specialist
機械制圖員 Drafting Specialist
化驗員 Laboratory Technician
技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee
電工 Electrician
服裝打樣/製版 Clothing/Apparel Sample Proction
建築/房地產 Construction/Real Estate
建築工程師 Architect
結構/土建工程師 Structural Engineer
電氣工程師 Electrical Engineer
給排水/暖通工程師 Drainage/HVAC Engineer
工程造價師/預結算 Budgeting Specialist
建築工程管理 Construction Management
工程監理 Engineering Project Supervisor
室內外裝潢設計 Decorator
城市規劃與設計 Urban Design/Planning
建築制圖 CAD Drafter
施工員 Construction Crew
房地產開發/策劃 Real Estate Development/Planning
房地產評估 Real Estate Appraisal
房地產中介/交易 Real Estate Agent/Broker
物業管理 Property Management
㈢ 工程建築技術對英語的要求高嗎
㈣ 建築工程技術專業用英語怎麼翻譯
Construction Engineering Technology Major
㈤ 建築裝飾工程技術專業翻譯成英語是什麼
Architectural Decoration Engineering Technology Specialization,建築裝飾工程技術專業。
㈥ 建築工程專業 用英語怎麼說呀
Construction Engineering Major
㈦ 建築工程專業英語翻譯
In recent years, with the construction of the national economy and technology, expanding the scale of construction, large-scale modern technology facilities, structures or increasing, and the concrete structure with its low-cost materials Wumart, to facilitate the construction, large capacity, strong decorative features, it has become increasingly Was welcomed, the mass concrete is becoming a major facility or structure constitutes an important part of the main. The so-called mass concrete, the general understanding for the larger size of the concrete, the United States gives the Institute of Concrete mass concrete definition: any cast-in-place concrete, and its size must be resolved reaching hydration heat and the subsequent problems caused by the deformation of the volume to maximum Limits to rece the impact of the crack, that is known as mass concrete. This raises the question of mass concrete crack, crack problems in the construction project with the universality of certain technical issues, once the cracks formed, in particular through the cracks in the foundation for an important part of the structure of the extremely hazardous, it will rece The rability of the structure, weakening the capacity component, will be at the same time could endanger the safe use of the building. So how to take effective measures to prevent cracking of mass concrete, is a matter of concern.
㈧ 【建築裝飾工程技術】的英文怎麼寫
Thechnology of architectural decoration engineering
㈨ 建築工程專業英語翻譯 急!!
一般的設計,鋼筋混凝土是responsbility的工程師,誰發出的指示和圖紙,向主管就site.if這些指示進行到底的要求,由工程師,這是不是真的,對於現場人員了解理由是為instructions.on另一方面,如果該網站的主管有一個清醒的認識的基本原則所涉及的鋼筋混凝土設計,他可以解釋圖紙和指示,更加智能化,並應尋找更容易合作,經營與工程師。特別是在欣賞需要的准確性,在定位鋼rernforcement 。