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1. 急求《新編土木工程專業英語》(建築工程方向)全書翻譯或者課後翻譯答案,可追加分數!!!


2. 建築工程專業英語翻譯 急!!

一般的設計,鋼筋混凝土是responsbility的工程師,誰發出的指示和圖紙,向主管就site.if這些指示進行到底的要求,由工程師,這是不是真的,對於現場人員了解理由是為instructions.on另一方面,如果該網站的主管有一個清醒的認識的基本原則所涉及的鋼筋混凝土設計,他可以解釋圖紙和指示,更加智能化,並應尋找更容易合作,經營與工程師。特別是在欣賞需要的准確性,在定位鋼rernforcement 。

3. 建築工程專業英語翻譯

In recent years, with the construction of the national economy and technology, expanding the scale of construction, large-scale modern technology facilities, structures or increasing, and the concrete structure with its low-cost materials Wumart, to facilitate the construction, large capacity, strong decorative features, it has become increasingly Was welcomed, the mass concrete is becoming a major facility or structure constitutes an important part of the main. The so-called mass concrete, the general understanding for the larger size of the concrete, the United States gives the Institute of Concrete mass concrete definition: any cast-in-place concrete, and its size must be resolved reaching hydration heat and the subsequent problems caused by the deformation of the volume to maximum Limits to rece the impact of the crack, that is known as mass concrete. This raises the question of mass concrete crack, crack problems in the construction project with the universality of certain technical issues, once the cracks formed, in particular through the cracks in the foundation for an important part of the structure of the extremely hazardous, it will rece The rability of the structure, weakening the capacity component, will be at the same time could endanger the safe use of the building. So how to take effective measures to prevent cracking of mass concrete, is a matter of concern.

4. 建築工程專業英語翻譯,高手進!

This is designed to Xining city of Jinhua Residential District on the 3rd floor, engineering, construction sites in Xining city in Qinghai Province Beichuan River to the forefront of the West Bank two bands, for the six-storey structure of brick and concrete structure, based on a foundation wall under the bar. Design features include four parts: the first part of architectural design; into the second structural design; seismic checked into Part III, Part IV into the design basis.
According to architectural design of residential architectural design standards, the use of functional requirements of residential building elevation layout and structural effects of the reasonableness of the decision of the room into the hall and deep size. Structural design of the structure in accordance with design specifications of the formula designed walls, stairs and various components, including cast-in-place reinforced by hand-counting, some rooms selection of prefabricated panels. According to seismic design specifications, checking calculation method used seismic shear at the bottom, horizontal shear walls earthquake rigid distribution by the middle of floor, wall seismic shear vertical distribution of a rigid floor, wall section checked only for the most disadvantaged of the wall For checking, checking the other wall of the structure using CAD Guangsha checking. According to the design basis for building the foundation design specifications established basement minimum size calculation, based on the specific choice of size standards in Qinghai Province Atlas, and then checking the basis of the bearing capacity and rigid angle.

5. 建築工程專業 用英語怎麼說呀

Construction Engineering Major

6. 建築工程專業英語求翻譯!!!


The threefold superior performance of the microsilica-blended cement

concretes, in terms of corrosion initiation time, is ascribable to the favorable


physical changes in the microstructure of the microsilica-blended cement


paste. In chloride corrosion situations in which chloride mobility from external


sources to the steel level is a factor, these favorable physical changes


more than offset the increased corrosion risk posed by the elevated C1-/

因腐蝕所造成的風險增加升高的C1 - /

OH- ratio of the pore solution, and dominate the corrosion protection




The corrosion-protection behavior of microsilica-blended cement concrete


in the corrosion-propagation phase, showing no significant rection


in the corrosion rates, is governed by an interplay of two opposing characteristics


of the cementitious matrix. Whereas the aggressivity of the pore


solution promotes corrosion action, the refined pore structure retards the


corrosion process.


Microsilica-blended cement concrete will provide significantly more effective


protection to steel in chloride corrosion situations in which secondary


chlorides permeate into concrete from external sources, compared to corrosion


situations where primary chlorides are already present in the original




7. 求《新編土木工程專業英語》建築工程方向,錢詠梅,龐平,化學工業出版社

jrclej omfc loi fgc vber,
lktre,pi rcikowi dkfo,jofwgdf,jk.
iocrjciorw vc,b l;fd,os .
fkd lj jfdl;lgd.

8. 新編建築工程專業英語第三版unit1翻譯

者,也是無數前輩辛勤勞動成果的傳承者。 他們積累了知識,並把知識傳遞給你們,而這些知識正是你們取得成功所必需的。 現在輪到你們了。 你們會獲取什麼樣的知識? 你們會發現什麼樣的興趣愛好? 你們怎樣做才能為你們的子孫後代創造一個強大昌盛的未來?
8 我們很高興能為你們人生旅途中這一重大階段開啟大門。 我們很高興你們將獲得許多機會,也很高興你們將作為社區、國家乃至世界的公民承擔起應有的責任。 歡迎你們!

9. 建築工程專業英語翻譯!高手進!

這是reference. 每篇論文都應該有這個reference page, 目的就是標出你文章中借鑒別人的文章或版者權書籍的出處,方便老師或者其他學者翻閱考察。
Kumar, A., Komarneni, S., and Roy, D. M. (作者)(1987)(出版日期). "Diffusion of Cs + and CI
through sealing materials."(書名) Cem. Concr. Res.,(可能是關於這本書的類別Cement and Concrete Research這是全稱 ) 17(1), 153-160.(17章節1小章 153-160頁)

這些東西屬於是reference list.



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