導航:首頁 > 工資社保 > 買社保嗎英文


發布時間:2020-11-26 17:30:17

A. 社保基數,英文怎麼說,在線等,謝謝!!!!


① social security cardinal number
② safe cardinal number
③ social insurance base
④ insurance base
⑤ social insurance fee base
⑥ base of the social security payment

B. 社保卡英文怎麼說

social security card

C. 社保 英文

XXX Company, a unit commissioned by Beijing Zhongsida Employment Services Agency, has a staff xxx who has paid out the common social insurance ly in your center. With the purpose of going abroad for business, he now needs the attestations of the pension insurance, unemployment insurance, instrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, medical insurance payment he enjoyed in your center. Every insurance of the appointee was paid ly from XXXX X to date. Kindly please associate him in preparing these necessary documents.

D. offer上社保英文名對應的五險一金中文名

Supplementary Commercial Insurance:補充商業保險;

Life/Accidental Insurance:意外死亡和傷殘保險

Medical Insurance Annual Medical Check Medical Insurance for Dependent :醫療保險年度醫療檢查

Oversees Business Travel Insurance:監管商業旅行保險。

E. 社保號碼用英語怎麼說

security number

F. 關於社保條目英文縮寫的問題。。

Social Insurance backpay EE

G. 有關社保項目的英文翻譯


養老保險:endowment insurance

醫療保險:medical insurance

失業保險: unemployment insurance

工傷保險:employment injury insurance

生育保險: maternity insurance

住房公積金: housing fund

H. 社保局 英文

社保局 Labour and Social Security Bureau

I. 「社保卡」英語怎麼說


Social security card .

社保卡 。

J. 社保和醫保的英文怎麼說

Social security and medical insurance.



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